วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2551

Freedom of speech in Thailand

Freedom of speech In Thailand have many . Now a day, Thailand can communication around the country. Former times, when people want communication, it very difficult to communication . People must used letter when we want to communication. But now, everything it change. Thailand can develop like a another country in the world. Now a day, we can communication pass by tool electronics such as; Internet, E-mail (electronics letter), Hi5, Msn, telephone….etc. We can talk with another people around the world. It easy and comfortable more than former time. Tool electronics makes the world narrow down. Not difficult when you want to communication with my friend or family in foreign country.

Internet come in Thailand when I was young , I don’t sure. For me, internet is the large library. When you want to find something you can search in internet. Apart from that, Internet can used communication with another people in the world. You can send message to people pass by E-mail (electronics letter) In Thailand, many people used more internet. I think like a another country. You can see the world pass by narrow screen. It wonderful when you can communication and find knowledge in internet. Now a day, Thailand bring internet used with education . I think internet very useful and it can develop education of Thailand.

Hi5 is program of Internet. I talk about Hi5, because it can used communication just like another tool electronics. Now a day , Hi5 is popular program. Teenage in Thailand used it when them want communication and find new friends around the world. I ask my friends “Why you like to play Hi5?” my friends said “I play it because I can communication with my old friend and relative in foreign country and I can find new friends around the world” I think now a day it not difficult to communication with someone.

MSN is popular program. In Thailand we used MSN when we’re want to communication with someone pass by message. MSN like a telephone ,but different from telephone. Telephone used talk to someone pass by voice, but MSN talk with someone pass by message. Now a day, MSN have a many function such as ; have webcam, have microphone…etc. I and my friend always talk together in MSN. We can send work pass by MSN. I used MSN when I was young. I think it useful very much. I know it useful but I think it has bad effect too. Now a day, some people used MSN to find girlfriends and boyfriends. I think it danger. I always see in Newspapers “The man deceive women, Kill and rape.” I think something useful, but danger too.

Freedom of speech In Thailand have many. Thailand give liberty with communication with everybody. Now a day, The world is change. Everything is modern and comfortable more than former times . Thailand develop country follow foreign. So! It not difficult when you want to communication with someone in Thailand or around the world.


I don’t know what happen with me. Everything look sad. Now I have a problem with everything such as ; education, friends, my weight…etc. I feel really bad. I know everybody have a problem but don’t talk with another person. I want to know who in the world never have a problem? I know obstacle and problem make me discourage , but I have to fight with it!! If I can pass it I will strong up!!
First, I study English1, but I think I very stupid very much!! I very discourage. When I have a test I always fail!! I think I familiar with fail test. If I can pass an examination, I will happy and surprised very much!! I try to practice English language everyday when I have a free time such as ; see sound track movie, talk English language with my friend pass by MSN, Read grammar book…etc. I will always practice more. I believe if I practice more I will good in English !! I will fight for me and accumulate knowledge.
Next, I have a problem with my friend. For me, I think this problem was very little, but my friend her think “This is a big problem, I never met before” I will tell to you. Last week, I went to garden near pool in University with my friend her name A , but I don’t told another friend. Another friend her name B. So, B angry me. I don’t understand why her angry me? Ok ! This is very little problem, I never angry when my friends went together and don’t told me. I don’t a baby. I remember I quarrel with my friend when I was very young. Since I study at University I have many problem, but I don’t think about problem with friends. I studied at Sainampeung school I never have a problem with my friends. Ohhhhhhhh…I’m feel really serious!! Finally, I told to B I ask her “Why you angry me?” Her told me about reason “Why her angry me” Her said “You reject me! When you went with another friends why you don’t invite me? I very angry!! I know you and A is close friend , but I close up with you like A.” I listen her until her told finish. I can’t talk anything else. I wait time. Finally, I told her about my reason. “I think you don’t serious with little problem. I don’t invite you ,because I really forgot it. I’m so sorry my dear friend. I know you angry me , if this situation happen with me I will angry like you. I’m so sorry again. If you will angry me I accept it.” I think when have a problem with friends, it make more understand!! I believe it and it real. Finally , I and A understand with a problem and accept it!!
I have a problem with my weight because now I very fat. I very sad with my body .I try to recede my weight. I spend many time, but I can’t succeed. How do I recede my weight? I should eat vegetable or fruit.? I will recede my weight in this year. I will try.
Everybody have a many problem ,but don’t talk. So, we should solve a problem by themselves. Every problem can repair if fight with it.

วันศุกร์ที่ 11 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2551

Happy New Year 2008!!

Happy new year 2008

On 30 December 2008,I slept late because I excited with tomorrow. Every year I have to go to party at Poonny house ; Poonny is my close friend. They studied together at Sainampeung school.
New year coming again, I think it fast for me. However, I know time don’t wait everything ,but I think it really fast!! I think about last year. Last year, I studied at sainampeung school. I and my friend near studied finish from school and we near competitive examination to study at University. When I think about that I felt miss about it.
In the morning on 31 December 2008, I wake up late because last night I slept late. I wake up at 10:30 a.m. I hurried take a bath and eat breakfast. And than, I went to Poonny house by bus. I very excited because I will find my old friends. I went to Poonny house at 13.00 a.m. When her saw me. She very happy!! She inviter me into her house and talk about her life between we walked. I can’t remember how I find Poonny? How long? But I know she is best friend for me.
I wait another friend, because I’m a first visitor of Poonny. Next time, another friends arrived, her name Pupae, Am, King and Pu . We very excited. We started prepare everything since food until Karaoke. After prepare everything, I and my friends saw the movie. I bring many movied from my home!! Party stared at 18.00am.
We stared ate and dance. I think is a good little party. We sing a song together. We snatch microphone and sing a song, It very funny!! Have many food, I think if I can’t see my friends I think is a big Party.
Majority food in a party is Seafood. We ate a lot of food. When I and my friends full from foods, we talked about life and education. Everybody have a problem. I talked about everything that I think I felt bad!! I know I not good in English language I try to practice it ,but I think not better. I fear about test if I can’t pass I think I felt bad. Although, I felt bad ,but I can’t discourage!! My parent sent me to this University I must succeed from here. I feel impressive this University ,because before I don’t like English language very much , but nowadays I love English language very much. Although difficult but I can do it!!
New year coming , I and my friends bless together. I call to my parent to bless them and say “HAPPY NEW YEAR 2008” Everybody in my home don’t sleep, so I can bless everybody!! “Ohhh…..time always fast, I think it really fast!!” This year I want everybody in my country have unity. Have a good politician. I’m so serious about political in my country. I want politician not corruption. I want them think about country and people more than everything!!