วันเสาร์ที่ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

What time is it?

A tramp lie down and sleep in the park. He had been sleeping for about 5 minutes when a couple walked by. The man stopped, woke the tramp up , and asked him, "Excuse me.

Do you know what the time is?" The tramp replied, "I'm sorry - I don't have a watch, so I don't know the time."

The man apologised for waking the tramp and the couple walked away.

The tramp lay down again, and after a few minutes went back to sleep. Just then, a woman, who was out walking her dog, shook the tramp's shoulder until he woke up again.

The woman said, "I'm sorry to trouble you, but I'm afraid I've lost my watch - do you happen to know the time?" The tramp was a little annoyed at being woken up again, but he politely told the woman that he didn't have a watch and didn't know the time.

After the woman had gone, the tramp had an idea.

He opened the bag that contained all his possessions and got out a pen, a piece of paper and some string. On the paper, he wrote down, 'I do not have a watch. I do not know the time'.

He then hung the paper round his neck and eventually dropped off again.

After about 15 minutes, a policeman who was walking through the park noticed the tramp asleep on the bench, and the sign around his neck.

He woke the tramp up and said, "I read your sign. I thought you'd like to know that it's 2:30 p.m."

Valentine day

Valentine's Day History

St. Valentine's Day originated from several events and customs. It is named after St. Valentine, who was a Christian priest. A Roman custom also contributed to what we know as Valentine's Day today. They held a festival each year called the Festival of Lupercalia at the same time of the year as Valentine's Day. Later the holiday changed into a holiday to honor the Roman goddess, Juno, whom the Romans believed ruled over marriages. It became a holiday of love. When the Christian church became powerful, the Pope changed the holiday to honor St. Valentine.

Valentine's Day Poems

Making ValentinesIn February, what shall I do?I'll make some valentines for you.The first will have a cupid's face;The second will be trimmed with lace.The third will have some roses pink;The fourth will have a verse in ink.The fifth will have a ribbon bow;The sixth will glisten like the snow.The seventh will have some lines I drew;The eighth, some flowers--just a few.The ninth will have three little birds;The tenth will have three little words:I LOVE YOU!


Remember when a Valentine Was just a name that you just drew And you could give that Paper Heart To someone you barely knew. Or you maybe gave your Heart To everybody in your Class Drawn and cut, with Your Words That were so much Fun to pass.And too, those little Candy HeartsThat you used to pass around Searching Colors and the WordsUntil that Perfect o­ne was found.And remember that Special o­neWho made your Heart skip a beat Who you gave that Special Card Who gave your Heart a Special Treat.And remember how easy it was To tell a Classmate, "I Love You!" Not just three meaningless words Cause everyone knew they were True. Oh, for those Days of Innocence When everything seemed to be Just Fine And you weren’t afraid to ask aloud, "Will you please be my Valentine?"

My favorite song

My favorite song

My favorite song is “Live and lean” When I listen this song I will cry . I think words of a song have meaning. I will translate from Thai language become English language.

เมื่อวันที่ชีวิต เดินเข้ามาถึงจุดเปลี่ยน จนบางครั้งคนเราไม่ทันได้ตระเตรียมหัวใจ
Big change of the life time may come even we haven't even prepared.

ความสุขความทุกข์ ไม่มีใครรู้ว่าจะมาเมื่อไหร่ จะยอมรับความจริงที่เจอได้แค่ไหน
Like happiness or Sadness that we couldn't even know when it come or how much can we accept it

เพราะชีวิตคือชีวิต เมื่อมีเข้ามาก็มีเลิกไป มีสุขสมมีผิดหวัง หัวเราะหรือหวั่นไหว เกิดขึ้นได้ทุกวัน
Because life is life.Things always come and go.Even happy or sad, Laughing or trumble could be happend all time

อยู่ที่เรียนรู้ อยู่ที่ยอมรับมัน ตามความคิดสติเราให้ทัน อยู่กับสิ่งที่มีไม่ใช่สิ่งที่ฝัน และทำสิ่งนั้นให้ดีที่สุด
It depends on what you learn,what you accept.So let follow your thinking and conciousness.Stand with what you are instead of dream.Then,do your best.

สุขก็เตรียมไว้ ว่าความทุกข์คงตามมาอีกไม่ไกล จะได้รับความจริงเมื่อต้องเจ็บปวดไหว
While being happy,prepare for sadness so that you could bear it whenver it comes.

เพราะชีวิตคือชีวิต เมื่อมีเข้ามาก็มีเลิกไป มีสุขสมมีผิดหวัง หัวเราะหรือหวั่นไหว เกิดขึ้นได้ทุกวัน
Because life is life.Things always come and go.Even happy or sad, Laughing or trumble could be happend everyday.

อยู่ที่เรียนรู้ อยู่ที่ยอมรับมัน ตามความคิดสติเราให้ทัน อยู่กับสิ่งที่มีไม่ใช่สิ่งที่ฝัน และทำสิ่งนั้นให้ดีที่สุด
It depends on what you learn,what you accept.Let follow your thinking and conciousness.Stand with what you are instead of dream.Then,do your best.

My holiday

My Holiday

Last Saturday, I woke up at 8 o’clock to watch a Conon cartoon. I liked this cartoon very much.This cartoon about detective. Later my sister just woke up. We both took a shower, then we went to JJ. Market together and while we were going to JJ market, we stopped by my sister friend’s house to pick her up and went to JJ market with us. My sister wanted to buy a present for her best friend. Her friend’s birthday was on January 28, and I wanted to buy gold fishes. I wanted them to be my pet. After we arrived to my sisterfriend’s house, suddenly my sister friend’s mother asked us to eat something. She made a crab fried rice for us. It was very delicious. We felt really full. We arrived JJ market at 11 o’clock. It was very sunny day. I felt very hot and lot of people in here. My sister and I were separate because I wanted to go to fish shop, but my sisters wanted to go to cloth shop. I walked ahead to the fish shop. I found much kind of fishes. I asked the sealer how to feed the gold fish and some other information. Suddenly I decided to buy two gold fishes. I chose to buy big and active fishes because it showed that they were healthy. I also bought a small fish tank to put it in my bedroom. I bought many accessories for my fish tank such as fake trees, rocks, oxygen, and fish food. It was cost about 620 baht. I was very happy because I dreamed to have a gold fishes in my room. Then I bought two t-shirt which were blue and purple. After that my sisters called me to eat papaya salad. We ordered papaya salad, grilled chicken, and sticky rice. It was very delicious. After finish eating, we went back home. Before we arrived home, we went to fill the gas and washed a car at gas station. Later we got home, I was doing the fish things. I was very enjoying with fish tank. Then we went to eat dinner at the restaurant near our house and we rent the scary movie to watch it tonight. After I watched it, I could not sleep because I was so scared. About 10 o’clock, my friend called me that the grades have already post on the board, and then I went to see the grades at night. I felt very satisfy with my grades because my GPA was about 3.00. Then I called to my friend to talk about the grades. Later I went to the internet café near my house. When I was back to my house, I wanted read a book. I pack the book name “flood in eye.” Finally, I sleep at 23.00 a.m.

Good bye my dear friend

“Good bye my dear friend”

I believe in spirit .I think it is interesting for me. I know some people don’t believe with strange phenomenon , but different from me. Ghost is “The spirit of dead person that a living person believes they can see or hear.” I think the ghost want communicate with us. I think they want tell something with us. I will tell about strange story of me to you. This story is real story. If you don’t believe , up to you.

long time, I don’t communicate with old friend. Old friend for me is mean ; friend since I was young , friend since I studied at primary education. And the long time , I never forgot my friend her name “Ao.” When I was young I liked to play with her. she is beautiful girl. She was very cute , she have long black hair and big beautiful eye. For me, she was very good habit and very kind. Since , I finish education from primary education from Somapa school I don’t communicate with her because I and her study different school. I know her learn at Traimudom naumgow school. She was very happy and enjoy with life in school.

And then, I communicate with Ao in MSN. I always find her. I and her talk about everything. We always share feeling together. I like her very much. She is independent girl. Afterwards, I study at Assumption University and she study at Kasetsart University. I don’t communicate with her long time. I think because we don’t have a free time. Life in university very busy every day . On 6 February 2008, I play Hi5 and I see someone add me. I accept it and her is “Ao.” I very happy very much. I don’t click to see Hi5 of her because I don’t have a free time. And then in the same day, she call to me. I talk to her, I miss her very much ,but I feel have something strange because she talk about death. “Ice, if I dead you will miss me?” I very surprised with spoken word of her. “Hey, why you talk about death, if you dead I will miss you sure, but if you dead don’t come to me. I’m fear ghost you know?.” I don’t think more about everything that I said. We are talk about old story and when we were young. In my feeling I feel strange I feel sad very much. I feel I will not find her forever. Why I think that? I don’t know.

On 7 February 2008 in the morning, My old friend her name Kang she call to me. I very amazed because we don’t communicate long time. She said “ Ice, I have something tell to you?” I said “What Kang why you so serious?” She said “Ice, Ao dead. She have accident” I said “When she dead?” She said “On 5 February 2008”
I very shock “No, I don’t believe you. Don’t kidding, it not funny.On 6 February Ao call to me. I talk to her. I don’t believe you.” I start to cry. Why you must dead? If I can back to the pass I will help you. Ao I miss you. You are best friend for me forever.

Everybody in the world must die. Nobody can’t escape from death. It is truth.
I will remember you forever!! You are best friend for me. Good bye Ao my dear friend.

last lecture


Last Tuesday, I studied about Global Warming. My teacher taught about “ How to help the world ” . It just only studied but didn’t it. She told with students before she bring some disc. Then, she opened it on slide show.
On slide show describe about a pollutant. There are many pollution in the world.
The one girl appears on this slide show. She’s no hair and her face so pale. On the ground she lived not completely. It has some plant on the ground. It not green same
as the present. I saw it around me. The ground has a crack liked a glasses broken. It had a little canal but the water was dirty. It cannot used and drank. Then, the slide show must go on about the future. The sentence and another picture appear on it. It make me understand about pollutant more than. Fist of all, It talked about water pollution. It was dirty because in the water has many garbage and acid. When we throw it on the river it can be destroy animals. Some garbage cannot decompose, it make the water has not oxygen enough for animal. After that, it was died in addition to it can make a smelly with people. It began for a problem. In the future they cannot bring the water for used, wash a cloth or dish. They can drank the water 1-2 the days but in the present we can dank it 6-10 on the days. Second, it explained about air pollution. It talked about when we driven on the street or the factory allow smog on the air. It made pollution. When people smoke in can be pollution too. When they walked on the street they cannot see clearly.
The picture blur liked a snap shot when we took a photo. Third, It described about the garbage pollution. The garbage pollution is important because it connect with another problem. We throw it on the ground. Then, it difficult for decompose or rid of it. Some country used electric for burn it. When it burning by electric. It made oxidation. If we burry the garbage under the ground. It destroys the ground. Then, a living-thing in the ground was died. After that, the plant was died too because it haven’t microbe for plant.
If plant died they can made a food from plant. They haven’t a good food. It made they weak healthy.
The slide was stopped. I get a benefit from it. It made me have a knowledge about pollution. I must tried to helped the world. For example, decrease a light.
When I didn’t need it I turn off it. That the way for me.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2551

Freedom of speech in Thailand

Freedom of speech In Thailand have many . Now a day, Thailand can communication around the country. Former times, when people want communication, it very difficult to communication . People must used letter when we want to communication. But now, everything it change. Thailand can develop like a another country in the world. Now a day, we can communication pass by tool electronics such as; Internet, E-mail (electronics letter), Hi5, Msn, telephone….etc. We can talk with another people around the world. It easy and comfortable more than former time. Tool electronics makes the world narrow down. Not difficult when you want to communication with my friend or family in foreign country.

Internet come in Thailand when I was young , I don’t sure. For me, internet is the large library. When you want to find something you can search in internet. Apart from that, Internet can used communication with another people in the world. You can send message to people pass by E-mail (electronics letter) In Thailand, many people used more internet. I think like a another country. You can see the world pass by narrow screen. It wonderful when you can communication and find knowledge in internet. Now a day, Thailand bring internet used with education . I think internet very useful and it can develop education of Thailand.

Hi5 is program of Internet. I talk about Hi5, because it can used communication just like another tool electronics. Now a day , Hi5 is popular program. Teenage in Thailand used it when them want communication and find new friends around the world. I ask my friends “Why you like to play Hi5?” my friends said “I play it because I can communication with my old friend and relative in foreign country and I can find new friends around the world” I think now a day it not difficult to communication with someone.

MSN is popular program. In Thailand we used MSN when we’re want to communication with someone pass by message. MSN like a telephone ,but different from telephone. Telephone used talk to someone pass by voice, but MSN talk with someone pass by message. Now a day, MSN have a many function such as ; have webcam, have microphone…etc. I and my friend always talk together in MSN. We can send work pass by MSN. I used MSN when I was young. I think it useful very much. I know it useful but I think it has bad effect too. Now a day, some people used MSN to find girlfriends and boyfriends. I think it danger. I always see in Newspapers “The man deceive women, Kill and rape.” I think something useful, but danger too.

Freedom of speech In Thailand have many. Thailand give liberty with communication with everybody. Now a day, The world is change. Everything is modern and comfortable more than former times . Thailand develop country follow foreign. So! It not difficult when you want to communication with someone in Thailand or around the world.