วันเสาร์ที่ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

last lecture


Last Tuesday, I studied about Global Warming. My teacher taught about “ How to help the world ” . It just only studied but didn’t it. She told with students before she bring some disc. Then, she opened it on slide show.
On slide show describe about a pollutant. There are many pollution in the world.
The one girl appears on this slide show. She’s no hair and her face so pale. On the ground she lived not completely. It has some plant on the ground. It not green same
as the present. I saw it around me. The ground has a crack liked a glasses broken. It had a little canal but the water was dirty. It cannot used and drank. Then, the slide show must go on about the future. The sentence and another picture appear on it. It make me understand about pollutant more than. Fist of all, It talked about water pollution. It was dirty because in the water has many garbage and acid. When we throw it on the river it can be destroy animals. Some garbage cannot decompose, it make the water has not oxygen enough for animal. After that, it was died in addition to it can make a smelly with people. It began for a problem. In the future they cannot bring the water for used, wash a cloth or dish. They can drank the water 1-2 the days but in the present we can dank it 6-10 on the days. Second, it explained about air pollution. It talked about when we driven on the street or the factory allow smog on the air. It made pollution. When people smoke in can be pollution too. When they walked on the street they cannot see clearly.
The picture blur liked a snap shot when we took a photo. Third, It described about the garbage pollution. The garbage pollution is important because it connect with another problem. We throw it on the ground. Then, it difficult for decompose or rid of it. Some country used electric for burn it. When it burning by electric. It made oxidation. If we burry the garbage under the ground. It destroys the ground. Then, a living-thing in the ground was died. After that, the plant was died too because it haven’t microbe for plant.
If plant died they can made a food from plant. They haven’t a good food. It made they weak healthy.
The slide was stopped. I get a benefit from it. It made me have a knowledge about pollution. I must tried to helped the world. For example, decrease a light.
When I didn’t need it I turn off it. That the way for me.
